Jason X Reviews
Jason X





Word from Kane Hodder


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Here is yet another positive script review for you. So far all the commentary on the script has been favorable. We'll see if it holds up in production or not. The following review is filled with MAJOR SPOILERS so if you don't want to know too much you might want to skip to the next bit of news. With that warning in mind I turn it over to 'Kane'.

I was able to snatch up a copy of the JASON X script written by Tod Farmer with a dialogue polish by the director Jim Issacs. Well I must say that all and all, the script isn't bad. Hopefully the movie turns out just as well. I must inform you that the following review is laden with many spoilers, including the ending, which may or may not be changed due to budget or time constraints . . .

The story opens with a narration and clip montage tying together all 9 of the previous films. Then it abrudtly cuts to the narrator,a female doctor at the Crystal Lake Research Faccility talking to a military sgt. Jason has been captured and is in containment in some kind of electric forcefield. Since the government cannot destroy Jason they have decided to cryogenically freeze him and bury the capsule beneath Crystal Lake. Any way, there is a fuck up due to a lightning storm and Jason breaks out of the forcefield and slaughters about a dozen people around the faccility before Rizzo finally tackles him into the cryo-tube and the two freeze together. Capsule is permanently cealed. PICK up 2142, the grimy future, described very much like BLADE RUNNER's settings, a college archeology class is on a trip to Earth (which is now a desolate wasteland, which if anyone has seen MISSION 2 MARS, will know scientists believe was the fate of MARS and that it actually had existence on it at 1 period). The students are on a dig for human remains for hundreds of years ago. A big earthquake causes chaos, and a group of students fall into a tunnel running beneath the planet. They are leg to the cryo-capsule which they eventually load onto their ship. Since they've got a two day journey back to whatever planet they came from (it's never mentioned), they decide to bring the capsule to the autopsy/science lab and open it. They remove the 2 frozen masses and place them in these things called "melt vats" which unfreezes them after an hour or so. They leave the bodies to unfreeze. Somewhere along the lines, Rizzo awakens. She's greeted by a friendly young guy named Delongpree. She kicks his ass, Jason comes alive, attacks them, they're on the run form this point on. The next forty pages or so are basically one killing after the next (very clever though, watch as Jason takes on a Darth Maul like persona and impales a horny android and her boyfriend while they're having sex, in a scene that pays homage to an infamous Mario Bava-ish impalement in the second film) Lots of brutal violence, cool chase scenes, and some funny revelations about Jason (we learn he actually uses the bathroom and gets erections!) lead up the climactic battle, described below . . . . ----spoilers------Jason chases Rizzo into the emergency vessel launch chamber. Delongpree meanwhile, comes around in the kitchen after being stabbed multiple times, arming himself with an arm cannon he sets fire to the ship and rushes to Rizzo's aide in the launch chamber. Jason is seconds from killing Rizzo when Delongpree arrives. FUCK! The arm cannon's out of ammo! Jason asceneds to kill him when Rizzo suddenly blows the hatch and sends Jason out into space. IN SPACE, Jason's body is immolated by the cold and the air pressure combined. Rizzo and Delongpree then get in the safety vessel and take off to where ever they're from. The ship blows up and moments later Jason's hockey mask floats passed the camera, taking us to the darkness.

Here are some more reviews to read up on but there are major spoilers in them. So if you don't want to do what happens in the movie then don't read these reviews.

More Reviews
Lawrence C's Review Spoilers:2 out of 10
Light House Shine's Review Spoilers:4 out of 10
Joshua's Review Spoilers:2 out of 10
Sarah & AromoPrime's Reviews Spoilers:7 out of 10
Moriarty's Review Spoilers:8 out of 10
Sketch Longwood's Review Spoilers:6 out of 10